Category: News

Lab Opening

After a couple of years of “underground” activity, we had our official lab opening last month. You can also find us on the official ITU page: Check…

ACG 2023 Talk Video

Laurits’ presentation at the International Conference on Advances in Computer Games is now online and visible at Laurits discusses a study conducted in the context of Maj…

New post-doc position at the ITU brAIn lab

The ITU brAIn lab at the Center for Digital Play is looking for a post-doc to work on the CREATE project with YOLI. You will be joining the…

New research projects and thesis for 2023/24

We just presented the lab at the thesis market last Friday, check the slides with some of the next thesis ideas: Here are a few of the ideas…

The team is going to Boston

The team is going to attend the IEEE Conference on Games to present three different research works: Investigating the Uncanny Valley Phenomenon Through the Temporal Dynamics of Neural…